m є t ∂ m o r p h o s i s: tonights random thoughts

m є t ∂ m o r p h o s i s

n. pl. act; action + change of integrity + transformation; = metamorphosis *

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

tonights random thoughts

just a few things that have been on my mind lately ..

  • don't you girls hate it when you are introduced to someone, and while you are conversing with your friend, you notice the stranger giving you and your friends the 'up and down' look? not just once, but thrice?! in front of your face? what, you like our shoes is it? and it is so damn obvious not to mention down-right rude, because her whole head moves - not just her eyes?!! what is with that! at least attempt to be discreet you know ..

  • we all know the proverb "time heals all wounds", but does it, does it really?! how so? without a problem ever being resolved, how can one completely and entirely get over an act(s) that once hurt us so deeply? sure, the pain lessens over time, but once you start discussing and describing the events that happened yester-year, you can't help but recall how you felt, and so the negative emotions and memories you've managed to mentally compartmentalize all these years resurface and come flooding back to you. it is as if it happened just last week! i don't know .. so many questions left unanswered, but i will never find out. it will never be resolved. it's so unfair, but i guess that's life for you.

  • isn't it funny how once upon a time, you could be so emotionally connected to someone. you knew each others life story. you made promises to be good friends forever. fast forward a few years, you both grow up, circumstances change and now you get a complete stranger. whatever happened to that friendship you both thought was forever. it is quite sad, watching people you deeply care about walking out of your life.

    it's always, "next time, okay?". but next time never comes around. it's like watching someone slowly walk away from you. they might be walking at a slow place, but nevertheless they are still walking. you watch them and think "oh, there's still plenty of time for you to catch up with them, or they can just turn around and walk back". so you both leave it, and before you know it, it's impossible to catch up with them because they are just too far ahead! pretty soon all you you see is a small silhouette far off in the distance. and before you know it, the small image has disappeared out of site. you don't know where they are or what they are doing, if they are okay, because it's too late. they have walked out of your sight .. and out of your life. that's change for you. it's inevitable. all you can do is accept it and move on.

  • another thing that i find really irritating - people who have a habit of openly preaching their values and beliefs - yet never put it into practice themselves! why, why, why?! there is no point it saying one thing and doing the other! you are what you do (or don't do!). try to make a conscious effort not to override your thoughts with your actions, okay?! we all know actions speak louder than words.

  • buddha once said, "all things are impermanent". i am beginning to understand it's true meaning. ever had one of those glorifying moments where something happens and you immediately think, "oh! i really get it now!", whereas before you thought, "yeah, that's feasible .. that makes sense". it is not until a particular event occurs (whether big or small), that you get those rare flashes of insight. it's when those certain quotes from life's philosophers finally make perfect sense! like someone's finally flicked the darn switch! those enlightening moments, i love those moments!

  • i try my best to appreciate everyone one and everything i have in my life. but i sometimes find it hard to appreciate everything on a daily basis, as it requires a certain amount of conscious effort to do so. it's difficult to try and not take for granted everything you have, because you've never experienced what it's like not to have it. does that make sense? but i'll keep trying .. because i don't want to be one of those people that wait for one of life's wakeup calls in order to realise what they have, and for them to turn their life around.

    i hope you guys can try and do that too - to not take anything for granted - because everything is impermanent - and life is pretty darn unpredictable! we've all heard of those sad stories where a person has a falling out with someone, whether it be a close family member, friend, or colleague, only to suddenly realise their life has suddenly been cut short. you regret not making amends, because you let your pride or ego get the best of you. my aim is to learn from others mistakes, so i know not to make them myself.

  • what happened to all the gentlemens in this world? they've become a rare species, and chivalry is dangerously nearing extinction. and what about the importance of values, morals, and ethics in women? was it accidentally thrown out with yesterdays trash? what is it with kids as young as 12 being sexually active?! so much teenage pregancy these days that some people see it as the norm in todays society. and has anybody taken any notice of kids fashion these days?! what the! young kids in midriff bearing tops and plunging necklines with nothing to even show! what has this world come to. does nobody care about anything anymore?!

    i know this doesn't apply to everyone, but you have to admit there is a new generation of people out there .. and things are changing - fast. gone are the traditional ways of life .. it is now a world where anything goes.

    i must admit, it's forced me to re-evaluate my own value system, and what i deemed to be 'right' or 'wrong'. but in the end i realise it's not that easy to change my beliefs, even if there are people out there who disagree with what i think.

oh .. i kind of trailed off a bit there. i don't know why i am in such a wierd mood tonight. too much chocolate i think! that is probably the most personal entry i have ever written in blogging history! gee, and it wasn't even intentional lol .. since i've typed it all up i might as well post it up.


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