lets play, spot the difference
so i was surfing on xanga, decided to log into my account to check my footprints log (note: my xanga account is 'inactive' because this is my primary blog). couldn't be bothered following all the links, but felt bored enough to click on one. it was a totally random click. so yes, i clicked it and what do i see?

my own blog staring back at me? (notice how that rhymes lol). no, it wasn't really my blog. this is what my xanga blog looks like:

now, is it just me or are there some uncanny similiarities between the two? say, the header for example? this girl-that-shall-remain-nameless (note: i do not know her) has only posted one entry on her xanga. supposedly she's starting the whole blogging thing all over again. i would give you her link but nah, i don't want anybody bored enough to flame her. besides, i am not really that annoyed about it. if anything, i find it quite amusing. oh well, hmph maybe 10% annoyed considering the time and effort i put in to making that header.
hey, it may look simple and easy to you (it was easy peazy to make), but it was quite time-consuming changing the fonts and colours and editing and repositioning everything so that it lookes the way it does today, okay?! hehe =)
but yes, i am not that annoyed because as i mentioned earlier, i no longer blog there. the only thing she's changed on the header is the quote i placed under 'it's just me'. she's taken out my ralph waldo emerson quote which ironically says: "be yourself, that's all there is of you", and replaced it with "name name name name nameeeeee .. etc." (name being her real name)
so what happened the other 90%? well, that goes to flattery. i find it quite flattering that she liked it so much. so much so it only took 5 seconds of 'copy and paste' for her to steal an hour or so worth of my work. whoa, do i sense my own sarcasm there? lol.
talk about being original.
hey, it may look simple and easy to you (it was easy peazy to make), but it was quite time-consuming changing the fonts and colours and editing and repositioning everything so that it lookes the way it does today, okay?! hehe =)
but yes, i am not that annoyed because as i mentioned earlier, i no longer blog there. the only thing she's changed on the header is the quote i placed under 'it's just me'. she's taken out my ralph waldo emerson quote which ironically says: "be yourself, that's all there is of you", and replaced it with "name name name name nameeeeee .. etc." (name being her real name)
so what happened the other 90%? well, that goes to flattery. i find it quite flattering that she liked it so much. so much so it only took 5 seconds of 'copy and paste' for her to steal an hour or so worth of my work. whoa, do i sense my own sarcasm there? lol.
talk about being original.
hahaha thats quiet amusing!
If i were you i would of dropped her a comment and said something like: 'hey nice header!' (bitch)
lol suz! judging by her post i think she is young and naive little teeny bopper. she's just asking to be caught-out, since she logged onto my xanga with her username. tsk tsk tsk ..
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