i'm back and mojo-less
angie: can i please get one large cappuccino with two sugars
girl 1: no problem, drive through
girl 2: hi, how are you tonight? here's your coffee and two peppers. i'll just go get you your sugars
angie: oh? peppers? *puzzled face*
girl 2: yes .. ? i'll get your sugars for you
angie: .. peppers? but this is a cappuccino?
girl 2: *gives me a blank stare*
i am still recovering from lack of sleep, even after just having 12 hours of sleep! so please bear with me until i get my blogging mojo back "yeah baby, yeah!"
whoa, three weeks of not blogging (minus the latest entry - that was an exception), and i am (or was) filled to the brim with .. so much junk i wanted to blog about! keep your pants on - it's not that exciting. now the only problem is remembering what i wanted to blog about.
not much has happened in the past few weeks. although i did put on a few pounds and my chin was and still is, attacked by a mob of pimples. gosh, all that exra late-night snacking has had a toll on my body .. my face is so roundddddddd i don't like!

i think this is the heaviest i have ever been in my life! my pants have never felt tighter, and my thighs keep knocking each other every time i walk! no joke, i'm a wierd kinda fat. i wouldn't call myself 'fat' but i am like the fattest skinny person you can be? if that makes sense? lol ..
this extra weight is not necessarily a bad thing, but i do look odd in fitted clothing. and oh, it's become increasingly challenging just sucking my gut in! whatever, i'll just use my extra flab as some kinda stress-reliever thing lol. no need to be so pessimistic about it. at least i'm working out my jaw and intestines, yes?!

it's because of exams that i have put on so much weight. my dad has been spoiling me to the point where he is cooking me har-gao dumplings at 4am in the morning! crazy, yeah?! hehe but isn't he the bestest! and hey, i'm not complaining =D. although i really think i should change my eating habits (for the millionth time) and it wouldn't be that hard. all i'd have to do is stop midnight snacking and voila, a few kgs shed. question is, do i really want to get rid of this cute little over-grown slab of fat aka 'my tummy' .. or would i rather keep it =p
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ok, in other more interesting news, i would like to proudly announce that i have recently given birth to a beautiful baby girl!!

hehe okay okay, so the baby is not really mine *sad face*. but isn't it the most gorgeous thing ever?! so adorable aaaahh! the baby belongs to my just as beautiful, lovely cousin sethiar. sethiar is so pretty, but that day she was so radiant and glowing! and the baby, the baby doesn't have a name as of yet, but guess what the babys nationality is?! ah, you'll never guess so i'll just tell you hehe. the baby is cambodian/chinese/australian/kiwi! i don't think the baby will grow up looking asian, because she has gorgeous blue eyes and light brown hair! lol holy macaroni, she's going to be one hell of a stunner when she grows up! half-casts are just so damn beautiful!
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i can't believe holidays are here! three and a half months of freedom! no assignments, no exams! no classes!

how blissful does that sound! haha all the tutors and lecturers can go smell my cheese (re: pic above) lol! that pic was taken out of frustration during exams hehehe .. see how bored i get =( not that studying was ever meant to be 'fun'.
anyways folks! that's all for tonight! but before i go, i just wanted to say thanks to all the visitors who still regularly popped by during my hiatus, even though you knew there wouldn't be any new entries! pfft, thanks for undermining my abiliy and thinking that i'd eventually succumb to the blogosphere before the set date!
.. hehe ok my bad. one entry doesn't count okay! xoxoxo =)~
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