m є t ∂ m o r p h o s i s: October 2006

m є t ∂ m o r p h o s i s

n. pl. act; action + change of integrity + transformation; = metamorphosis *

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

back - for a bit

yes, technically i am supposed to be on hiatus. but i felt sorry for some of the readers that keep coming back everyday to check if i have updated. hey, i'm not supposed to be back here until the 8th of november mmkay. goodness, i wonder how many anonymous readers i will lose by then. then again, maybe that is a good thing. besides, not like i had many to start off with lol.

so reason for this post? just to give you some eye-candy to perve on, even though there's not many pictures. but how does that age ole proverb go? it's the quality (of these really hot babes) that matters, not the quantity!

below are pictures of some sexy girls taken last week at P1 or is it Pi? that's odd, is that the same club? or has the name been recently changed? if that's two different clubs then that's just stoobi, to have a name similar to that of a competitors! anyways, point is .. you better start drooling. oh and, thanks in advance for the photos i scabbed off your blog susan and tayo. hee hee.

pretty girls: lyniee, ny, suz and tayo

now, am i colourblind or is that susan wearing purple? ho ho ho!

are they lovers or are they brothers? hehe jk! tony and steven

yes this pic is small 'cause you have a broken link to the big pic susan lol
and you are so right suz! hahaha
tony does look like the white-masked guy from scream!

and tony, i hope you don't look like that when you are doing number two's!
(this pic is just a joke - don't take offence tony hehe)

ta ta for now.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

going on hiatus

as much as i love blogging, i really need to study

as hard as it will be for me to stop blogging temporarily, i really need to study

as difficult as it is for me to discipline myself, i really need to study

you get the drift?

i really need to study!

so stop this typing and go study!

3 weeks of not blogging will be a killer!

what will happen to my emotional and creative outlet!

shut up and go study already!


for now.

i hope.

hey, this entry kinda resembles a christmas tree.

ok ok, gone.

wish me luck for my exams folks.

till then, take care.


p.s. i will officially be freed from the 'prison of uni' on wednesday 8th of november at exactly 12.30pm. please take one minute of silence to celebrate my victory!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

on relationships

tony: moo
annie: yeah! we used to have cows around uni!
ny: really? where are they now?
annie: angie came along and ate them all!
ny: hahahahahahahaha that is so something angie would do

* all three start laughing

angie: huh, what the fudge?!!!

my darling annie and i! (stupid mouse pointer, i look like i have a massive mole!)

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one of my favourite books is 'conversations with god', written by neale donald walsch. as the title suggest, it is a conversation and so the book is written in dialogue form. all my life i have always been inquisitive and curious about life, the universe and everything in it. this my friends, is the perfect book for those who are as curious about things as i am.

however, i do urge that potential readers will approach this book with an open mind, as the whole book contains sensitive content. and just for the record, i am not a christian, nor catholic, nor any other religion for that matter. i have my own 'god' and my personal beliefs on how the universe works.

from time to time, i will extract certain passages that i find interesting enough to share with my fellow readers. i hope these excerpts will provide a little more insight and understanding into why things are they way they are.

excerpt from conversations with god - book 1


most people enter into relationships with an eye toward what they can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them.

the purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of youreself you'd like to see "show up," not what part of another you can capture and hold.


make sure you get into a relationship for the right reasons. most people still enter relationships for the "wrong" reasons - to end loneliness, fill a gap, bring themselves love, or someone to love - and those are some of the better reasons. others do so to salve their ego, end their depressions, improve their sex life, recover from a previous relationship, or, believe it or not, to relieve boredom.

none of these reasons will work, and unless something dramatic changes along the way, neither will the relationship.

a famous painting: 'the kiss' by gustav klimt

it is very romantic to say that you were "nothing" until that special other came along, but it is not true. worse, it puts an incredible pressure on the other to be all sorts of things he or she is not. not wanting to "let you down," they try very hard to be and do these things until they cannot anymore. they can no longer complete your picture of them. they can no longer fill the roles to which they have been assigned. resentment builds. anger follows.

it is very romantic to say that now that your special other has entered your life, you feel complete. yet the purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you; but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.

never do anything in a relationship out of a sense of obligation. do whatever you do out of a sense of the glorious opportunity your relationship affords you to decide, and to be, who you really are.

know and understand that there will be challenges and difficult times. don't try to avoid them. welcome them. gratefully. see them as grand gifts from god; glorious opportunities to do what you came into the relationship - and life - to do. try very hard not to see your partner as the enemy, or the opposition, during these times. in fact, seek to see no one, and nothing, as the enemy - or even the problem. cultivate the technique of seeing all problems as opportunities. opportunities to be, and decide, who you really are.

lets play, spot the difference

so i was surfing on xanga, decided to log into my account to check my footprints log (note: my xanga account is 'inactive' because this is my primary blog). couldn't be bothered following all the links, but felt bored enough to click on one. it was a totally random click. so yes, i clicked it and what do i see?

my own blog staring back at me? (notice how that rhymes lol). no, it wasn't really my blog. this is what my xanga blog looks like:

now, is it just me or are there some uncanny similiarities between the two? say, the header for example? this girl-that-shall-remain-nameless (note: i do not know her) has only posted one entry on her xanga. supposedly she's starting the whole blogging thing all over again. i would give you her link but nah, i don't want anybody bored enough to flame her. besides, i am not really that annoyed about it. if anything, i find it quite amusing. oh well, hmph maybe 10% annoyed considering the time and effort i put in to making that header.

hey, it may look simple and easy to you (it was easy peazy to make), but it was quite time-consuming changing the fonts and colours and editing and repositioning everything so that it lookes the way it does today, okay?! hehe =)

but yes, i am not that annoyed because as i mentioned earlier, i no longer blog there. the only thing she's changed on the header is the quote i placed under 'it's just me'. she's taken out my ralph waldo emerson quote which ironically says: "be yourself, that's all there is of you", and replaced it with "name name name name nameeeeee .. etc." (name being her real name)

so what happened the other 90%? well, that goes to flattery. i find it quite flattering that she liked it so much. so much so it only took 5 seconds of 'copy and paste' for her to steal an hour or so worth of my work. whoa, do i sense my own sarcasm there? lol.

talk about being original.

Monday, October 16, 2006

animal talk

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they say true soul mates look alike =)

"try to get the communication up and running ..
.. like all things it has to start somewhere ..

there is something positive coming from this soon,
just be yourself and don't be afraid .."

- p

Sunday, October 15, 2006

thank you sir!




my sincerest gratitude to the man who thinks 9am assignment submissions are an ingenious idea. you have just thrown me a lifeline (that i didn't deserve)! crazy "all blacks" fool, i love you! (ewww, not in that way).

a - veni vidi vici * says:
why should i study hard?

cHeZ says:
u want to end up a cleaner?
the rest of ur life?

now let's hope i do not disappoint. *prays*

- - -

i would like to apologise in advance for all my future posts leading up to my exams.

exams are just around the corner and so i need all the self-motivation i can get.

for all my fellow students out there, i hope my words and pictures motivate you too.

hang in there folks. we're nearly there. think of the four long and blissful months awaiting us! so study hard people and good luck.


Friday, October 13, 2006

soozie in colour!

okay okay susan, i said i wouldn't post another pic of you up all by your lonesome .. but this is an exception okay! just one more alright, one more. hee hee you are so nice! =D

so i finally picked up the shorts i put on lay-by the other day. i came home, tried them on again and thought "shit .. i knew it!". the reflection of me in shorts just .. looked so wrong! and it felt so wierd! you know what i mean right, suz? it's like you trying to wear colour! lol i felt absolutely ridiculous even though it wasn't that bad. it's just hard getting used to something you've been avoiding all your life because of a paranoia-related issue that exist in your mind only.

yesterday at work i picked and wore a dress that i thought was longer than my knees. turns out it was actually cut just above my knees. my limit is my knees! anything higher i will feel naked in! as i came onto the floor the girls were oohing and ahhing about me being in a dress - it was the first time i wore a dress at work that was cut above my knees! i felt so naked i just had to get changed but my manager wouldn't let meeeee!! 'cause she wanted to see me in that dress all night - psfasfjhwgs!! for the first two hours i was way out of my comfort zone. i kept thinking customers and passer-bys were snickering and whispering behind my back about how ridiculous i looked. ironically enough, i've never had so many compliments in one night from randoms about how erm (insert positive adjective here) i looked in my dress. awww, so then i thought .. maybe i didn't look so stupid after all .. and that naked feeling eventually faded away as the night progressed.

ok so point is, i have decided to make a gradual change. a nice slow change. i'll just start wearing things that are 3/4, and then i'll gradually shorten the hemline as i go .. millimetre by millimetre lol. see this way, i don't have to make such a drastic change! mind you, for as long as i am alive (and not suffering a mid-life crisis), you will never be seeing me in short-shorts .. or anything higher than half my thighs, okay! speaking of which, for the first time in years my pasty white thighs saw the light of day as i paraded in my shorts around my backyard, in front of an audience of chirping birds today lol.

so what does this have to do with you susan?! well, it has everything to do with you! i want you to start wearing colour for summer woman! i am a genious (no, i actually have way too much time on my hands). i want you to make a conscious effort to gradually change the colour of your clothing .. s l o w l y but surely! sooozie woozie look at what i made:

start off with white and progress slowly.
low and behold, before you know it you are wearing blue!
whoa, susan .. you look uber hot in those two colours!
(and lol @ the bottle of champs your holding!)

look at that! now do you still think you look wierd in colour? you look absolutely gorgeous in baby blue and peach! but i especially like that blue on you, as it suits your tan. awww, you so pretty! *hands up* anyone who thinks susan looks better in colour than in white, black and brown!? whoa, too many hands up that i cannot count! muahaha lol ..

edit: susan in other colours

which colour do you prefer susan in?!?!

personally, i like snazzy suzie in the purplish-blue (bottom-middle) and the lilac. pfft, don't ask me, i'm biased! blue is one of my favourite colours, as you can tell by my blue arm that suz is leaning on .. lol hehehe =D see how great you look in colour woman?! that is hot.

now all you have to do is print out these pictures of you and take it with you as a reference when you go shopping! hahaha just kidding babe! well then, you better start wearing colours for summer suz, or i'll just have to chuck you in a tub of dye .. hehehe =)~

hot weather makes me grrrrrouchy!

it was so hot today! it was predicted to be 30 degrees! it exceeded that! the mercury rose up to 36.2 degrees today, so close to breaking octobers record high of 36.9 degrees set back in 1914. or maybe it did break that record. it did yeah? i'm pretty sure i heard on the radio that today is octobers hottest day on record! oh well .. point is, i hate hot weather! i know i know, i keep whinging and whining about it, but i can't help it if it brings out the worst in me! experiencing a heat wave is worser than having pms!

instead of studying, i ended up idling all day. i did jack all. i watched oprah for an hour and that was it. i was trying to stay alive as each minute passed! today's hot weather especially made me feel dizzy and nauseous. i had such a rapid pulse and all i was doing was sitting on my arse! oh, i felt so weak .. i wish i just fainted! and i was indoors .. goodness knows what would have happen if i was outside.

and you know what's even more annoying? having regular cold showers only to be sticky and sweating 5 minutes later! diu! so then i decided i couldn't be bothered .. and that i would just shower in my own sweat ..

it was just water folks! i wet my hair with water! wasn't sweat or oil!

recyling sweat - that's the way of the extreme water saver! hehe ewww. as if! well .. actually did you know scientists are currently experimenting ways that you can turn sweat and urine into safe drinking water?! through a complex water filtration system of course. but still! just the thought of it .. i don't know. i'm still a bit skeptical about it's ability to 100% decontaminate all the nasties in urine and sweat. *shivers up my spine*

this new technology will be especially beneficial for NASA, as transporting water to the international space station has proved to be quite costly. depending on it's success, this water system may even be implemented in third world countries where clean and fresh drinking water is scarce. how cool is that?! you get to kill two birds with one stone and save the world at the same time! and judging by the way the weathers holding up and the lack of rainfall we melbournians are getting, who knows when we'll have to start drinking our own bodily fluids!

so how about that? my idea wasn't that far fetched after all =)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

introducing .. susan!

introducing my one (and probably only) reader of this blog, susannnnn!!!

susan is so damn funny and her blogs crack me up!! lol, i wish you guys could read her xanga blog .. but unfortunately her security is as high as that of those notorious 'supermax' prisons in colorado (america's most secured prisons - and guiness world record holder). you'd have to kiss her feet to gain access to it! hahahaha =p

is it just me or does she have a cheeky smile?!

i'd put more pics up of suz (there are so many good ones on her friendster, but alas .. it's set to first degree friends only?!) but i think i'm already in trouble for putting this one pic up lol.

anyways, sorry guys .. like most hot chicks out there, she's off the market! she's married to nicholas tse - you know, that famous hong kong actor. well, secretly married anyway - nick actually has another 'official' wife by the name of cecilia cheung. but it's okay, susan doesn't mind. as the saying goes "first is the worst, second is the best, and the third is the one with the hairy chest!"

oi woman, blog more regularly will ya! oh and please don't kill me ..

*runs away*

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

tonights random thoughts

just a few things that have been on my mind lately ..

  • don't you girls hate it when you are introduced to someone, and while you are conversing with your friend, you notice the stranger giving you and your friends the 'up and down' look? not just once, but thrice?! in front of your face? what, you like our shoes is it? and it is so damn obvious not to mention down-right rude, because her whole head moves - not just her eyes?!! what is with that! at least attempt to be discreet you know ..

  • we all know the proverb "time heals all wounds", but does it, does it really?! how so? without a problem ever being resolved, how can one completely and entirely get over an act(s) that once hurt us so deeply? sure, the pain lessens over time, but once you start discussing and describing the events that happened yester-year, you can't help but recall how you felt, and so the negative emotions and memories you've managed to mentally compartmentalize all these years resurface and come flooding back to you. it is as if it happened just last week! i don't know .. so many questions left unanswered, but i will never find out. it will never be resolved. it's so unfair, but i guess that's life for you.

  • isn't it funny how once upon a time, you could be so emotionally connected to someone. you knew each others life story. you made promises to be good friends forever. fast forward a few years, you both grow up, circumstances change and now you get a complete stranger. whatever happened to that friendship you both thought was forever. it is quite sad, watching people you deeply care about walking out of your life.

    it's always, "next time, okay?". but next time never comes around. it's like watching someone slowly walk away from you. they might be walking at a slow place, but nevertheless they are still walking. you watch them and think "oh, there's still plenty of time for you to catch up with them, or they can just turn around and walk back". so you both leave it, and before you know it, it's impossible to catch up with them because they are just too far ahead! pretty soon all you you see is a small silhouette far off in the distance. and before you know it, the small image has disappeared out of site. you don't know where they are or what they are doing, if they are okay, because it's too late. they have walked out of your sight .. and out of your life. that's change for you. it's inevitable. all you can do is accept it and move on.

  • another thing that i find really irritating - people who have a habit of openly preaching their values and beliefs - yet never put it into practice themselves! why, why, why?! there is no point it saying one thing and doing the other! you are what you do (or don't do!). try to make a conscious effort not to override your thoughts with your actions, okay?! we all know actions speak louder than words.

  • buddha once said, "all things are impermanent". i am beginning to understand it's true meaning. ever had one of those glorifying moments where something happens and you immediately think, "oh! i really get it now!", whereas before you thought, "yeah, that's feasible .. that makes sense". it is not until a particular event occurs (whether big or small), that you get those rare flashes of insight. it's when those certain quotes from life's philosophers finally make perfect sense! like someone's finally flicked the darn switch! those enlightening moments, i love those moments!

  • i try my best to appreciate everyone one and everything i have in my life. but i sometimes find it hard to appreciate everything on a daily basis, as it requires a certain amount of conscious effort to do so. it's difficult to try and not take for granted everything you have, because you've never experienced what it's like not to have it. does that make sense? but i'll keep trying .. because i don't want to be one of those people that wait for one of life's wakeup calls in order to realise what they have, and for them to turn their life around.

    i hope you guys can try and do that too - to not take anything for granted - because everything is impermanent - and life is pretty darn unpredictable! we've all heard of those sad stories where a person has a falling out with someone, whether it be a close family member, friend, or colleague, only to suddenly realise their life has suddenly been cut short. you regret not making amends, because you let your pride or ego get the best of you. my aim is to learn from others mistakes, so i know not to make them myself.

  • what happened to all the gentlemens in this world? they've become a rare species, and chivalry is dangerously nearing extinction. and what about the importance of values, morals, and ethics in women? was it accidentally thrown out with yesterdays trash? what is it with kids as young as 12 being sexually active?! so much teenage pregancy these days that some people see it as the norm in todays society. and has anybody taken any notice of kids fashion these days?! what the! young kids in midriff bearing tops and plunging necklines with nothing to even show! what has this world come to. does nobody care about anything anymore?!

    i know this doesn't apply to everyone, but you have to admit there is a new generation of people out there .. and things are changing - fast. gone are the traditional ways of life .. it is now a world where anything goes.

    i must admit, it's forced me to re-evaluate my own value system, and what i deemed to be 'right' or 'wrong'. but in the end i realise it's not that easy to change my beliefs, even if there are people out there who disagree with what i think.

oh .. i kind of trailed off a bit there. i don't know why i am in such a wierd mood tonight. too much chocolate i think! that is probably the most personal entry i have ever written in blogging history! gee, and it wasn't even intentional lol .. since i've typed it all up i might as well post it up.


you can always tell when summer is nearing when you visit your local shops and there are mangos a plenty!

ripen mangos are so fragrant and tender to touch. and the flesh, oh the flesh is so succulent, tender, sweet and full of flavour!

but i wonder if many people have tried the unripened mangos? these are the green, hard fleshed mangos that are crunchy and sweet/sour to eat.

my bowl of green mangos coated with a mixture of salt and chili *drools*

i absolutely adore crisp slices of green mango dipped in a pounded mixture of salt and chili, and maybe a bit of sugar - it just gives it that extra kick! you can also eat it dipped in a paste mixture of sugar, chili and fish sauce, which brings out a sparking burst of flavour! oh, it really is an orgasmic experience! hahaha!

i urge you all to try it! it's one of those things where you either like it or hate it. as for me, i love it! it's something i have grown up with and oh .. far out i salivate like a panting dog everytime i see or hear about it or anything sweet/sour for that matter! i'm a sucker for sweet and sour food! i love thai papaya salad! and when i was younger (i still do, but very rarely), i used to eat lemons (yes, lemons!) raw (flesh only of course!) dipped in salt and chili, or just salt! i must admit it is one of my favourite crazy pastimes .. haha *screws face in* but you shouldn't eat lemons too often as they are quite acidic as you know.

okay, i have to go wipe off the drool from my mouth now ..

- - -

arrrrgh!! it's so hot today! it's 31 degrees! and it's 32 degrees tomorrow! someone go burn me alive already! i hate freaking anything over 25 degrees! 27 is pushing it! it's only because my study is in the hottest room in the house! at least my bedroom is nice and cool! but it's too dark so i can't study there, unless i change my bulb in replacement of a really bright light! i need air-con in here! look at my copious use of exclamation marks! i can't help it! aaaaargh! hot weather makes me aggro and impatient!

arrrrgh!! we need rain melbournians! otherwise we are all gonna dry up like cuttlefish! (oh, i love dried cuttlefish and squid!) water is precious, don't be such waterwasters like my neighbour who was washing his tarago with a hose in the driveway in front of the whole neighbourhood! i swear, that man is asking for a hefty fine! (for readers outside of melbourne, the government has placed tough water restrictions on residential households - car washing with a hose is one of them).

and for you beach babies out there, don't sunbake too regularly and most importantly don't forget your sunscreen! because ..

ah, so that's where leather comes from!

you don't want to look like that now do you .. ?!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

tayo's bedroom

just when i thought i was 'different' (as opposed to wierd lol), for putting up wierd signs on my wall, i step into tayo's room and this is what i see:

i love that cartoon with the heavy bags lol!

lol! hahaha there was actually a few more posted around the room, but these were funniest. oh actually, bugger .. there were other funny ones too. haha you're so funny je je!

meredith grey said ..

bring it on!

"a couple of hundred years ago, benjamin franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. this is the man who discovered electricity. you think more people would listen to what he had to say. i don't know why we put things off, but if i had to guess, i'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? what if you're making a mistake you can't undo? the early bird catches the worm. a stitch in time saves nine. he who hesitates is lost. we can't pretend we hadn't been told. we've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. we have to make our own mistakes. we have to learn our own lessons. we have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. until we finally understand for ourselves what benjamin franklin really meant. that knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying."

- meredith grey (grey's anatomy)

go for goldddddd!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

happy moon festival!

it's that time of the year again, the moon festival! which means .. an abundance of mooncakes! yummmmmy! for those who aren't of chinese descent it can be described pretty much as the asian version of valentines day - minus the flowers and roses and lovely dovey couples - ok fine so it's no where near the equivalent of valentines day. but it does have to do with love!

i'll try to explain it as briefly as i can - sorry if i am not that accurate - there are different versions! but it all revolves around the same storyline anyway. so once upon a time there was this man and woman. lets name him barry and her gertrude. barry was an earthling and gertrude was from heaven. these two met on one fateful day (with chinese legends anything goes - i think gertrude descended to earth for a visit) and fell in love. however, the keeper of the heaven found out about the affair and punished the couple. they were never allowed to meet again - and gertrude was banned from coming down to earth ever again. both these two heartbroken lovebirds cried and cried until a person - erm, george? - felt sorry for them. george had a lot of power. so george, being the compassionate natured old man he was, granted the couple one wish - that they were allowed to meet once a year on the moon. barry and gertrude were stoked! and so the story goes, that they would wait around until that date arrived so they would spend that one special night together doing god knows what hehe.

whoa, this mini LV mooncake set me back freaking $30 bucks!
more like $27 for the LV sticker and $3 for the mooncake!

no way! just kidding! i'm not insane, it was free. taylor went to louis vuitton today and they were giving out free mooncakes, and she was kind enough to give me one =D. not like i needed another one, i still have the two boxes of mooncakes to demolish - half way there! athough i am getting sick of them as they are quite sweet.

so there should be a full moon tomorrow night. ooh, aren't wierd things supposed to happen during full moons? better be careful people, angie is going to turn into a hairy wolf!

- - -

exams are dangerously near, and still a few assignments to complete! being sick in the past few days has really set me back a great deal, as far as uni work is concerned. and me being the slackass i am did not do any work during the lame one week mid-semester break i had. so while i am procrastinating right now, as i lack any motivation whatsoever to complete this assignment due tomorrow - i've written myself motivational notes, placed them on cards and shoved them in front of my face - literally. this is what i see when i look at the wall in front of me:

yes i deliberately blurred it - embarassing, you know!

my favourite - my dad asked me why i will die lol

so hopefully i will take my notes seriously 'cause right now i find it all too amusing. one says "wake up! seriously!" 'cause i always seem to feel tired everytime i think about the work i have to do. i mean, if i can still have the energy to pick up a mag, type up irrelevant entries like this one, do everything i can to avoid doing what i really need to do - then i should have enough energy to finish off everything and start studying yeah? go try telling that to my brain! as i am nearing this entry i suddenly feel sleepy .. because i have to get back to doing my assignment after i post this up .. boohoo.

random purchases

crayons are cool!

i'm in a wierd phase i think. for the last 2-3 weeks i have bought the most random things. instead of buying what i want to buy, i've been getting little things that i don't even need. for example yesterday i went to buy cardboard paper from k-mart, and strolled past the crayola section. oh did you know they have washable magic markers! that is so cool! but i knew i was never going to use them. so i decided to buy crayons instead? like i would really use crayons! what, to decorate my assignments and make them look all pretty? lol. well at that moment it felt like i would get some use out of it, and it's been a long time since i've bought something sponteanous like that. hmm, i could always return it .. if i can find the damn receipt. boy, i am a sucker for stationary!

other stupid purchases i've made include a coffee plunger (for the purpose of frothing up my milk .. lol) and shorts. now why would a pair of shorts be a wierd purchase? because it is the first time in my whole 22 years of existence, that i've bought a pair of shorts .. because i don't like my legs .. lol. but that night i managed to convince myself not to care so much about my appearance and buy a pair of shorts for summer, instead of sweating in pants. i don't know what i was thinking. i don't even know if i'll wear it. and these purchases have been surprising because i am usually not one to buy things without careful consideration. oh wells ..

don't mind the blurry pictures .. my camera takes aweful night shots

went with chez to chelsea beach to take her dogs for a walk the other night. ooh, the air is so refreshing. perfect night for a stroll on the beach. we were only there for a short while because it was getting too dark (bugger, missed the sunset!). i was puffed out by the time we had to leave cause i was running with one of chez's dogs, in an attempt to distance it from this random little chihuahua that was trying to start a bitch fight (pun intended) and boy, you must know how tiring it is to run on sand! that's it, that was my workout for the year!

does anyone know to how reduce the size of images without compromising the quality of the resolution?! do you need a specific program for that? everytime i minimise my pics they go all blurry.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

minestrone soup is yum!

angie: what's that thing poking out in between your sunglasses?

ny: what thing? oh mangina

angie: huh, what?

ny: mangina

angie: .. what?!

ny: it says 'made in china'!

angie: oh.. *bursts out laughing*

- - -

i'm still sick from the flu (i think it's the flu?!). after three days you'd think i would have recovered but i actually feel worse as each day passes. it's just so .. incovenient and damn annoying! i have assignments to finish and errands to run but it's a bit hard when you constantly feel drained - not to mention look like your constantly crying! it's hard to drive in this condition. sneezes are so dangerous when driving! you can't help but take your eyes off the road! and if you only get half-sneezes, well that's just as bad! extra watery eyes mean blurry vision!

so why was i driving today? because i had to take dad to springgy so he could buy a few boxes of mooncakes! yay! i love mooncakes! dad bought two boxes just for me - each box contains 4 mooncakes! so happy =D but i am banned from eating them until i recover from the flu! they're serious about it, they keep checking the boxes to see if any one of it is missing!

speaking of springgy, something wierd happened while i was there. i was waiting for my dad in the car - coughing, blowing my nose, sneezing, looking like an absolute wreck and all - and this young (wierd and sad) caucasian man walks past the front of my car. he looks at me, because i had that flappy sunshield thing down, he squatted, stared, smiled and finally said 'heyyyyy!'. and there i was, looking at him with tissues up my nose thinking this is the last thing i need right now! a stranger looking at me blowing my freaking nose! it's a bit hard not to look at him when he is like right in front of me, squatting and all! but i pretended he was invisible anyway .. what a wierdo!! i hate springvale!!

this evening chez realised i was still sick as a dog and so she took the time to make me hearty minestrone soup! i told her not to! i kept telling her not to! but she made it anyway, just for me. it's so sweet of her =(

so an hour later she came by and gave me a hot bowl of freshly made soup, vitamin pills and an extra sandwich just in case i get hungry later on. aww, chez - she's so kind and considerate. she's always so giving! she never ceases to amaze me with her generosity. *wipes tear away from eye* (hehe stupid half-sneeze!).

now, the minestrone soup. this soup is perfect for those cold winter nights, or when your battling a nasty virus like me! for those who have never tried it before it is a tasty, thick and hearty soup made with a combination of pasta (shell macaroni), kidney beans, chopped tomatoes, celery, carrots and more! and that is why this soup is called 'minestrone' - it means 'big soup' when translated into english. seing as though there is no meat involved, this soup is perfect for the vegans out there! oh, its soul-sastisfying!

after devouring the soup i feel so much better. my insides are so nice and warm now, and my eyes and nose have stopped running! i can finally breathe with BOTH nostrils! no more sneezing! at least for the moment. i know it'll all come back evenutally. but hey, this is the best i've felt in three darn days!

this was the first time i tried minestrone soup and boy, it was so delicious! but then so was the sandwich! how can something so simple taste one hundred times better than usual? you know why, because they were both made out of love. awww, corny but true. =) it's the sweetest thing. my mum asked me what i did to make her love me so much as a best friend. she thinks i paid chez or something =(

Sunday, October 01, 2006

retail brings out the worst of people ..

i finish work. mum comes to pick me up. walking through chaddy carpark. i see my car. standing there waiting for mum to unlock it. nothing happens. what the? battery flat? try again. nothing. ooh, crap i never realised how dirty my car was. in desperate need of a washing. wait a second - shit. it's not my car!

i woke up this morning feeling better than i did yesterday! i was absolutely elated! that is, until i arrived at work. i guess i spoke too soon. i was coughing and sniffing all day. it doesn't help when everyone else around you is also sick! i think there's a virus going around work. i think it's the flu - and damn you know how contageous that is! i kept on half-sneezing! how annoying is that .. i really felt like snorting pepper up my nose just to get those damn sneezes out! ugh, and elly had to go home early 'cause she was about to faint! so i was pretty much by myself the whole day and it was so darn busy!

working in retail is mentally and physically draining. i am absolutely knackered. i am about to fall off my chair, so i don't understand why my fingers keep typing away. and if this entry makes absolutely no sense and lacks cohesiveness, then i apologise. my half-dead self needs to rant right now.

during my time in the retail industry (2 years), i have seen/experienced some pretty appauling things like:
  • countless mutilated security tags hidden under the upholstery of chairs and behind mirrors
  • countless mutilated GARMENTS! (in an attempt to rip off the security tags only to realise they've just f*cked it up and it's no longer wearable or in a condition fit for sale)
  • many many dodgy swaps (swapping new garments and replacing them with their old stuff!)
  • customers who'll ask me a question, and make me repeat the answer because they are talking on the freaking mobile phone at the same time! so rude. where's your common courtesy?!
  • customers who give me a blank look or pretend i don't exist when i greet them. hello, that is so rude! and you know who the majority of this group is? disappointingly enough, it's the young asian ladies. what, i intimidate you or something? no need to act so prissy and stuck-up la ..
  • people who do not show the slighest appreciation when i go out of my way to do something for them. how hard is it to say 'thank you'?!
  • being yelled and spoken to in such a derogatory manner for refusing to return something. no, i will not return that coffee-stained garment because you've obviously worn it - no matter how many times you attempt to convince me (and yourself) that you bought it in that condition
  • a huge pile of garments left on the floor in the fitting rooms (think delicate silk tops and designer dresses) - people these days do not have the courtesy to hang clothing. these are the same people who come back complaining that a garment is dirty/damaged and demand a discount ..
  • shoplifting - in front of my face! smart, very smart ..
  • garments with blood stains on them
  • a pair of pants with some random lady's period stain .....

and last but not least (boy, this really takes the cake):

  • a plastic bag left in a fitting room - filled with human faeces and urine!!

it is amusing in a sense, 'cause never in my wildest dreams would i ever have thought people were capable of such acts. there are many many more .. i just can't think of any at the moment.

- - -

you know, sometimes doing a return (or not) for a customer, can get so out of hand that it somehow ends up being a one-way screaming match (of course me being the recipient) in front of everyone. why on earth would i risk any chance of losing my job just to return a pair of pants that has obviously been worn, just to make you happy?! you really think i'll be dumb and blind enough to overlook the fact that you've busted the waistband of pants that don't even stretch! you should of gotten the next size up la! unfortunately we only cater up to size 14! you think that if you keep pressuring and intimidating me, i will end up waving the white flag and relenting. i think not!

fortunately for me, i have been strong enough to avoid a public breakdown and have been able to bite my tongue - so much so that it won't surprise me if half my tongue fell out one day. unfortunately for others, many a times have i seen my poor colleagues cry. we try to be as tolerable as possible, but we all have our individual limits ..

this entry is a shoutout to all those disrespectful and intolerable customers i/everyone has had the grand opportunity of serving. some of you might look down on people who work in retail. you might think it's one of the easiest jobs in the world. well, i guess that would vary depending on the company you work for and the expectations they have for their employees. but let me ask you, what job did YOU have when YOU were my age?!

at the end of the day, we are living, breathing, human beings, trying to make a living - just like you. so who are you to stand on your invisible pedestool and look down on us? sure it is our job to be at your beck and call and to cater for you as much as we can - but you cannot expect us to break rules and regulations in the process! i know you don't care if i get a written warning, or if i lose my job. how does that affect you? it doesn't. that's why you don't give a flying duck (yes duck). no matter how condescending you are, we will still treat you with as much respect as we did when we first greeted you - in a polite matter with a smile on our face - oh, with the exception of that rolled-up fist hiding behind our back.

what's worse is when you call us all stupid and incompetent all because of one girls mistake. hey, nobodys perfect (especially you), we apologise and we are willing to compromise. and do you really think bringing our heritage into discussion is really necessary? what does me being asian, and her being greek, have anything to do with our companys returns policy?

and a problematic private life by no means give you a valid reason to vent it out on us. since when was i paid to be your psychological punching bag? lady, i am sorry i've sold out of the size you are after - let me order you another - don't give me attitude just because another lady has bet you to it! be more rational will you!

please, someone release a book called "the dummys guide to common courtesy and etiquette".

thank you for leaving us emotionally battered, for ruining our day, our self-esteem, our overall morale. you ruin one girls day, you ruin everyones. ever heard of the ripple effect?! thank you for giving us insight into how ungreatful one person can be. oh, and ever heard of karma? that's ok if you haven't, for i am sure you will experience it soon =)

pooh boh ..

being exposed to such people has actually help build up my tolerance and confidence levels. however, it has giving me valuable insight into how selfish and disrespectful some people can actually be. if anything, i have come out of this with a stronger determination to be a better person - not like those that consciously drag down other people's spirits.

so you're probably thinking, 'gee she must hate her job, why doesn't she just quit?!'

i am still here because and the end of the day the positives far outweigh the negatives. difficult customers come around maybe once a week? those others aren't so bad. but it's the opportunity you get to build rapport and friendship with your customers: to know them by name and make them feel that extra bit special, to give them such service that they give you lollies, or notify your manager on your performance, to receive a simple heartfelt 'thank-you' - a genuine appreciation and validation that they've acknowledged the effort you've put it, or for them to come back and soley ask for you - by name - to personally serve them! that by far makes it all worthwhile. =)

so at the end of the day i do love my job, the people i work with, the customers i have the pleasure of serving, and the terrific company i work for =)

goodness. what a LONG RANT! i never expected for it to drag on as much as it has. i only wanted to complain about being sick .. sorry =(. time to sleep now. *fingers crossed* i come out alive tomorrow morning .. i hate being sick.